Connect to Project Online Site Collection using an app registration - The solution
That customer that I did all that research for on accessing Project Online APIs
in my last post has asked me to build this into a solution. Cool!
This post is a deployment guide that can be used to help you set up and configure the required resources to get data from the Project Online APIs
without a user (kind of)
In the previous post we used Postman to test the API calls, today we use PowerShell and the web browser
App Registration (Authentication)
Create an App registration in AAD with the following permissions.
This will allow our app to sign in on behalf of our user and pull data from projectonline
This user account needs to have read access to all projects in the Project Online Site Collection
To support with this guide the clientId
for this app is cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a
The tenantId
is 75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177
You should also create a secret for the app registration - You will need this later
The app requires a redirect URI - This URI will be where the code is returned that is required to authorize the on behalf of (delegated) application connection
Testing the authentication
For testing purposes the below URI can be used - This will enable the auth code to be returned to a browser
Execute the following HTTP request in a browser (if authenticated you see no prompt). This browser session needs to be authenticated by the user that has access to the Project Online Site Collection.
&response_mode=query&scope=profile openid email offline_access&state=12345
A authentication success would be indicated as below
In the URL you will have something similar to the below:
The important part of this is thecode
Now that we have the code we can get a delegated app authentication session to MSGraph
Make a HTTP to AAD to get an access token.
The request should be sent to the following URL
The GUID in the URL is the tenant ID
Sample parameters
Key | Value |
client_id | cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a |
grant_type | authorization_code |
redirect_uri | |
client_secret | eDs8Q~k7XHscra |
scope | profile openid email offline_access |
code | 0.AXwAaARvk7vlRkizZVrwvd7BlMjZTXrMxUYnl11Q-mrzATMVk_BHIPT1V5-nRKPksBFIc |
$tenantId = "75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177"
$url = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = @{
client_id = "cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a"
grant_type = "authorization_code"
redirect_uri = ""
client_secret = "eDs8Q~k7XHscra"
scope = "profile openid email offline_access"
code = "0.ARoAgXjmdXSxS0idMMWBx-vBd35Vhc2pZVRIuHkmcd..."
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body
A response like the following indicates success
The next step is to swap this Graph access token for an SPO token. We can do this using the refresh token that was returned in the above request.
The request should be sent to the same URL as before
The GUID in the URL is the tenant ID
Parameters are slightly different
Key | Value |
client_id | cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a |
grant_type | refresh_token |
refresh_token | 0.AXwAaARvk7vlRkizZVrjeQ3q3w3n26-4-….. |
client_secret | eDs8Q~k7XHscra |
scope | |
$tenantId = "75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177"
$url = "$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$body = @{
client_id = "cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a"
grant_type = "refresh_token"
refresh_token = $response.refresh_token
client_secret = "eDs8Q~k7XHscraR"
scope = ""
$spoResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $body
It’s now possible to call the Project Online rest APIs using the access token returned in the spoResponse
To test this we can make another rest call, but this time to the ProjectOnline APIs
$projectOnlineAPI = "" # Replace this with your PWA endpoint
$headers = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $($spoResponse.access_token)"
$pwaResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $projectOnlineAPI -Method Get -Headers $headers
A list of projects indicates success
Token Expiration
Refresh token is active for 90 days - So as long as the app does something every 90 days the token should be refreshed and we don’t need to do anything
This is confirmed here, has long as the app is in daily use the refresh token will last forever
[Refresh tokens in the Microsoft identity platform - Microsoft identity platform | Microsoft Learn]( |
Token Revocation
Refresh token can be revoked for a number of reasons. Our refresh token has been issued to a confidential clients so the following table explains the instances when the refresh token will be revoked
Change | Confidential client token |
Password expires | Stays alive |
Password changed by user | Stays alive |
User does SSPR | Stays alive |
Admin resets password | Stays alive |
User revokes their refresh tokens | Revoked |
Admin revokes all refresh tokens for a user | Revoked |
Single sign-out | Stays alive |
[Refresh tokens in the Microsoft identity platform - Microsoft identity platform | Microsoft Learn]( |
Deploy Azure Components
An Azure function has been developed as the vehicle to automate the process above and also send the ProjectOnline data to a SQL database.
We need the following
- Resource group
- Azure SQL db
- Azure Function, with managed identity
- KeyVault, access policies
Resource Group
A resource group will be uses as a container for all our resources
Azure SQL database
You may already have an existing db but for testing purpose you may want to deploy another. I have used an existing SQL server to host my db so the resource group is different to what we created above
SQL Auth
Go to Connection strings and note down the ADO.NET (SQL authentication) property.
This will be needed later
Azure Function
Create an Azure function with the below configuration.
Notable settings.
- .NET Runtime
- Version 6 (LTS), in-process model
- Windows
If you create with the these settings you will have a storage account, app service plan and app insights created for you as well as the Function app.
The resource group should contain similar to the below
Function Identity
We will give the Azure function an AAD assigned managed identity. With this identity, the function can access the KeyVault to obtain the refresh token without the need for an additional app registration
Function code deployment
The function code can be found here groveale/project-online-api (
It includes two functions. One is configured to be executed daily. The other is a HTTP endpoint that should be called form a PowerShell script (also in the repo) to add a refresh token to the KeyVault
There are numerous ways to deploy function code to Azure. They are detailed here - [Deployment technologies in Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn]( |
An easy option is to use the Azure Function Extension in vscode
. This requires the users to sign into their Microsoft account that has access to the provisioned Azure resources.
This opens a dialogue that enables you to select the Azure Function you have just created
The vscode
extension now builds and compiles the code and uploads it to the hosted Azure Function.
Check the Azure Tab in the terminal for deployment status. My first attempt failed, but my second was successful
For a successful deployment the output tab on the terminal will contain details of the URLs for the functions.
FYI the GetSecretDetails
and UpdateRefreshToken
functions are disabled. They are still in the repo for completeness and can be used as a reference resource
Azure Key Vault
Create a KeyVault in azure with the following config
Once provisioned, go to the keyvault and add role based access for our Azure Function
Choose Key Vault Secrets Officer
from the list of roles. The select the managed identity option. Click Select Members and find the Azure function. Add the role
The Azure function now has permission to create / update and retrieve secrets in the KV
Configure Azure Components
App Registration
Now that they Azure function has been deployed we need to add another redirect URI
This is the URL of the UpdateRefreshTokenFromAccessCode
Function Config
The function app contains many config variables. These can either be entered into the portal or added via the vscode
"clientId": "cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a",
"clientSecret": "eDs8Q~k7XHscraRjim...",
"scope": "",
"projectOnlineSiteUrl": "",
"tenantId": "75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177",
"fullPull": "false",
"keyVaultName": "spo-projectonline-kvag",
"redirectUri": "",
"sqlConnectionString": ",143..;"
Field Name | Value | Description |
clientId | cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a | AAD App Id |
clientSecret | eDs8Q~k7XHscraRjim… | Secret for AAD App created earlier |
scope | | Scope of access requested |
projectOnlineSiteUrl | | URL of the Project Online site |
tenantId | 75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177 | Unique identifier for the tenant |
fullPull | false | full pull or delta (last 24 hours) |
keyVaultName | spo-projectonline-kvag | Name of the Azure Key Vault |
redirectUri | | URI to redirect after authentication. |
sqlConnectionString |,143..; | Connection string for SQL Server |
Open up the extension, find the function in your list or resource. Expand and right click the app settings. Clicking upload local settings will upload the settings values from the local.settings.json
The repo includes alocal.settings.json.sample
file. Use this to create a local settings file for your environment
The Azure function is now configured.
Key Vault Initial Config
There is a once time action required to seed the KeyVault secret with a refresh token. This token will be used by the function when it attempts to pull the Project Online data.
A PowerShell script LoginAndPostTokenToFunction
is included in the repo to support this activity.
There are three variable that should be updated in this script before executing
$client_id = "cd85557e-65a9-4854-b879-2671dfaee51a"
$tenantId = "75e67881-b174-484b-9d30-c581c7ebc177"
$redirect_uri = ""
Executing this script will open a browser where you should login with the user that has access to the project online data.
A successful login attempt will add the refresh token to the KeyVault and return the token to the browser
SQL db config
There is a number of SQL create table scripts included in the repo. Please run these to create tables in your prestaging database
Test the Solution
Everything should now be in place for you to test the solution
Simplest way is to enter the URL of the GetProjectOnlineData
function into your browser
This indicates that 2 project items, 2 task items and 4 resource items have been updated in SQL.
Production Considerations
The GetProjectOnlineData
function should be configured as a TimerTriggered function. This way there would be to HTTP endpoint exposed to trigger a pull of the data.
The UpdateRefreshTokenFromAccessCode
should be configured to not allow anonymous access. At this stage anyone with the URL could attempt to use it to update the secret in the Key Vault. they would not be able to obtain the refreshToken value but a successful logon attempt would overwrite the key vault value and stop the solution from working